Book: The Enterprise Path to Service Mesh Architectures

By Lee Calcote

As someone interested in modern software design, you have heard of service mesh architectures in context of microservices. Service meshes introduce a new layer into modern infrastructures, offering the potential for creating robust and scalable applications and granular control over them. Is a service mesh right for you? This book will help answer common questions on service mesh architectures through the lens of a large enterprise and addresses how to evaluate your organization’s readiness, factors to consider when building new applications and converting existing applications to best leverage a service mesh, and offers insight on deployment architectures used to get you there.

The intended readers are developers, operators, architects and infrastructure (IT) leaders, who are faced with operational challenges of distributed systems. Technologists need to understand the various capabilities of and paths to service meshes, so they can better face the decision of selecting and investing into an architecture and deployment model to provide visibility, resiliency, traffic and security control of their distributed application services.

Three most important things readers will learn from this book:

  • What is a service mesh and why do I need one?
  • What are the different service meshes and how do they contrast?
  • Where do services meshes layer in with other technologies?
  • When and why should I adopt a service mesh?
  • What are popular deployment models and why?
  • What are practical steps to adopt a service mesh in my enterprise?
  • How do I fit a service mesh into my existing infrastructure?
  • Author: Lee Calcote, Publisher: O’Reilly, Publish Date: August 2018