Enterprise Networking Planet: CNCF SIG Network Set to Push Cloud Native Networking Forward

By Sean Michael Kerner | Enterprise Networking Planet | Posted Nov 23, 2019

SAN DIEGO. The inaugural public meeting the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Networking Special Interest Group (SIG) was held in a session at the KubeCon event on Nov. 19, ushering in a new era for networking at the highly influential open source group.

The CNCF is home to many different projects, including the Kubernetes container orchestration system. Kubernetes itself has its’ own set of SIGs, which is the core organizing unit for the project, among those SIGs is one for networking. The CNCF however is a bigger organization that just Kubernetes and includes over 40 projects. CNCF SIGs cut across all projects, with cross project concerns in different topic areas.

Lee Calcote, Founder at Layer5 and one of the leaders of CNCF SIG Network explained during the session that there are already a few network specific projects within the CNCF, including CNI (Container Network Interface), CoreDNS, Envoy, gRPC, Linkerd, NATS and the Network Service Mesh project.

“Part of what we’re hoping to do is with SIGs in general is to help more impact fully scale the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC),” Calcote said.

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