Layer5 Joins the CNCF

Today, Layer5 is joins the CNCF.

From inception Layer5 has been actively stewarding, maintaining, and contributing to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) initiatives and projects. In the same motion that the company was founded, so too, did Layer5 become a member company of the CNCF. As a member company, Layer5 will continue to work closely with the broad community of cloud engineers. Layer5 engineers and our open source initiatives are already well-represented in the CNCF community both digitally and in-person.

Layer5 projects seamlessly integrate across many other CNCF projects, including Linkerd, Network Service Mesh, Envoy, gRPC, OpenTelemetry, OpenMetrics, Prometheus, Open Policy Agent, Kuma, Service Mesh Interface, Kubernetes, Helm, and Jaeger.